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Finding the right Dental Technicians has never been easier

We believe that you should have all the information before considering any dental treatment, and this is why we sit down after every clinical examination and discuss the findings or discuss what improvements you would like to make to your smile, and we can help you choose the right treatment for yourself.

Invisible Braces: Straighten your teeth, without anyone knowing you are having treatment – This treatment is ideal for those adults who wouldn’t wear braces because of the way they look

Teeth Whitening: With so many people providing cheap and ineffective teeth whitening, its difficult to know who to trust. Our teeth whitening solutions are tried and tested, and very affordable

Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain Veneers are the Rolls Royce of cosmetic dentistry, if you are looking for completely natural and stunning, long lasting results, then this might be the treatment for you

Composite Veneers: Composite Veneers can be placed in one day, and look almost as good as porcelain veneers, and are more cost effective

Dental Implants: If you are missing one or more teeth, then a dental implant may be the best way forward, they are generally regarded as the best solution for a missing tooth.

How to Look After Your Dentures PDF Print E-mail
You want your dentures to last – and by taking good care of them you can maintain optimum hygiene and avoid stains, odours, plaque and tartar (hardened plaque, also known as calculus). Here are a few tips for keeping them in tip-top condition!


Keeping your dentures clean

Brush your dentures using a soft denture brush each day, ideally after each meal. It’s best to clean them over a basin of water or a folded towel – this way you should avoid any damage if you accidentally drop them. You should hold each denture between your thumb, index and middle fingers because there is a risk of dentures being squeezed or broken if held in the palm of your hand.

You might think that it would be fine to use normal toothpaste, but in fact toothpaste can scratch the dentures. A better solution is to use hand soap, liquid soap or a special denture cream as it is not abrasive. Rinse your dentures well afterwards.

Denture cleaning tablets are also available.

Do not attempt to sanitise dentures with bleach or boiling water. Bleach is harmful and will damage the appearance of your dentures, whilst boiling water could cause them to crack.

Care at night

We recommend that dentures are removed overnight and kept in a container of water (a glass or a denture box). This allows your mouth to rest. Dentures should be kept moist because otherwise they can dry out and warp out of shape or become brittle.

Some people prefer to wear their dentures when they are asleep, as otherwise they can experience jaw discomfort.